Browse the various ministries below to learn more about what activities/ministries that we offer. Many of our bible studies and other activities are on break for the summer. More information will be provided on them as September rolls around.
If you wish to help or volunteer for any of these ministries, please contact our pastoral staff or the leaders for each group.
Children's Ministry

We consider it a privilege to spend time with these children each weekend, teaching them the foundations of how to be a follower of Jesus. LCC is a great place where they will learn that Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with them. We want to intentionally partner with parents and caregivers to assist and support them in their efforts to spiritually lead their own children. Don’t underestimate the impact that you will have on the spiritual journey of each child! You might not always see the fruit right away, but trust that we can, as a team, plant seeds that at some point in their life will be ready to harvest. Check out our page dedicated to our children's ministry: Children's Ministry
Make sure you check your child in at the CHILD CHECK-IN table in the foyer each week. A computer software system is set up for you to print out a name badge for your child to ensure his/her safety. Take the number label with you to pick up your child at the end of worship.
Adult Bible Studies
This is the heart of our church. We sponsor several weekly Bible studies, which run concurrently with the school year. Some meet in homes, while others meet at the church building. Some are gender-specific, others are age-specific, but most are open to all. We strongly encourage all our members to participate.
Look for sign-up sheets on our front bulletin board and check out our bible studies page for any additional information on these studies.

Cycle Fellowship
Currently on hiatus. Check back here for future updates.
Sign-ups will be included on our church bulletin board. Be sure to keep an eye out for these events in our monthly news bulletin.
Praise Team and Worship
Those with musical talents (vocal or instrumental) are encouraged to join our worship leading team on Sunday mornings. A weekly rehearsal for the praise team is held on Wednesday evenings.
Contact Tony Wolfe for more information.

Prayer Chain
This ministry aids those in need by providing regular and emergency prayer. We recruit anyone who has a heart to pray for others.
Contact Cindy Sayers if you have a desire to be added to the Sunday Prayer ministry, too. We need volunteers to pray during our services.
Golden Oldies Luncheon
Our senior citizens meet once a month for lunch at the church. The meal is carry-in, and is followed by a few hours of card and table games.
Visit the monthly news bulletin page for more information and specific dates each month.