Missions supported by LCC
African Christian Mission International – South East Asia – Sylvestre family
Columbia Christian Mission in South America – Meade family
England church plant – Alan Marshall
Northeast Ohio Association of Helpers – NOAH – church planting organization – www.noahchurches.com
Reach Out on Campus, Ohio University Campus Ministry
Round Lake Christian Assembly – www.roundlake.org
Taking Christ to the Millions – TCM – taking Christ to former Eastern Block Countries – www.tcmi.org
Christian Children’s Home of Ohio – www.ccho.org
Mountain Mission School, in Grundy, VA – Christian Children Homes – www.mountainmissionschool.org
Cornerstone Chilean Mission – Mike and Tabi Boyce
Missions Needs
Operation Christmas Child - The amazing journey of a Shoe Box Gift begins with you and results in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication. Local churches are gathering shoe boxes filled with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to send to children in need in many countries. Shoe boxes will be available in the foyer from Oct 1 - Nov 5. See Russ Moser or go to this website for more details: Samaritan's Purse.
Mountain Mission School - MMS in Grundy, VA has sent a thank you note for all of the Cambell Soup labels given over the years. They were able to purchase a 2017 vehicle with 1.6 million labels prior to Campbell's discontinuation of the promotion. We will continue to collect Box Top Coupons from other General Mills products. Supplies are being collected for MMS and if you would like to help, here is a list of suggested items that you can donate. Please place your donations in the box on the table in the foyer no later than October 8th.
Items: Toothpase, Body Wash, Deodorant, Lotion, Undergarments for high school girls (S, M, L), boxers for high school boys, glue sticked, pens, 70-page notebooks
International Disaster Emergency Services - IDES is an organization helping hurricane victims. If you would like to donate to help the hurricane victims, you can do so in 2 ways: online at www.ides.org or you can send a check to IDES, PO Box 379, Noblesville, IN 46061.