About us
Louisville Christian Church is located in the city of Louisville, Ohio, in eastern Stark county. The church was planted in 1982 by NOAH (an evangelistic association identifying with the Independent Christian Church), and sister churches in Alliance and Minerva. In 1990, the church constructed its first building. Additions were made to it in 1996 and 2004. The church has grown steadily, and seeks to actively minister to the communities of Louisville and East Canton. LCC is non-denominational, being led by local Elders and staff ministers, governed in a congregational style of church polity.
The membership of LCC has shown a desire to be active in God’s work, as many have volunteered time and talents in a shared ministry. The church has enjoyed a unity of love and a bond of peace which has held it together, and contributed to growth. We hope you will be impacted in some positive way by Louisville Christian Church. Our desire is for our family to continue expanding as we add more members. Love grows as it is shared. May God’s love be showered upon you through the members and the ministry of Louisville Christian Church.
our pastors:

Rick Brown
Senior Minister
Many people have been turned off by the church today. It’s not that they don’t love God, they don’t like what man has done with God’s church. And little wonder. Stories of abuse of power, misuse of funds, and manipulation abound.
God intended for Christianity to be pure and simple. It is man coming to the One who gave him life. It is love being practiced and not merely spoken. It is humble holiness being lived on a daily basis. If that is the Christianity that appeals to you, this is the church you have been looking for.
You will be welcomed and accepted here. You will be challenged and inspired here. You will feel at home here. My prayer is that the ministry of Louisville Christian Church will touch your life.
In loving kindness,
Rick Brown

I have been serving teens for the past 14 years and I love watching them grow in their faith. I also am passionate about worship music!
I have a beautiful wife Jen, and two awesome kids, Noah and McKenna.
I love LCC and the fellowship that we have here. The people are welcoming and very friendly and I enjoy serving our community along with them.
Our teen youth group also has a TON of fun while growing in our faith!
I look forward to getting to know you and your family better!
In Christ,
Tony Wolfe
Tony Wolfe
Youth/Music Minister
What is a typical service like?
Our worship service is a blend of contemporary music and hymns led by our worship team. Our services tend to follow a similar format each week. We begin with a call to worship, opening songs, and opening prayer. We offer communion and take offering. Then we move to the sermon, which is based off of the Bible and scripture. You can read more about what we believe, HERE.
What kind of music do you sing/play?
Most of our music would be considered as contemporary and praise with the occasional hymn. Music is led by a praise team and is accompanied by instruments, such as piano, guitar, electric guitar, drums. Clapping is encouraged.
How is communion served?
Communion is served each Sunday to all who have a saving relationship with Christ. Communion is distributed to the congregation while they are seated. Our deacons stop by each row and pass the bread and grape juice down the row.
What should I wear to church?
Whatever makes you feel most comfortable! Attendees range from dressy, to business casual to casual in jeans or shorts. If you’re comfortable in what you decide to wear, you’ll fit right in at LCC.
What does LCC offer for my children?
Childcare for birth to age 3 is available during the entire service. We have two nursery workers who will provide loving care to your little ones while you are in worship. Ages 3-4 yr olds and 5yr-K also will enjoy play time followed by a teaching from the Bible and activity sheet.
Sunday school is provided during the entire first worship service at 8:30am. During the second worship service, school aged children (1st-6th grade) start out in the sanctuary for praise. Children are then dismissed to their classes after communion. Four classes accommodate this age group for a more in-depth study geared to their age group. Older children focus on using the Bible and scripture memory as well.
See maps in the foyer for classroom locations.
K-5th grade can enjoy Kids Jam from 7-8pm. Our evening includes music, scripture memory, teaching from God’s Word and fellowship. Our goal is to ground the children in their faith – to hide God’s Word in their heart.
Children are encouraged to attend retreats and camps at Round Lake Christian Camp in Lakeville, OH. A VBS program is also provided for a week during the summer at our own church building.